If you want more information about our products, or any other information about Eduardo Cortina, just fill in the following form.
Central Office and Warehouse
c/ Lutxana bidea nº8 – Playabarri
48950 Erandio
Vizcaya – Spain
Phone: (+34) 94 445 24 00
Fax: (+34) 94 445 62 94
email: info@eduardocortina.com
Delegation Pamplona
Pol. Ind. Talluntxe, Calle B nº 46-48
31110 Noain
Navarra – Spain
Phone: (+34) 948 14 10 11
Fax: (+34) 948 14 69 82
email: pamplona@eduardocortina.com
Delegate in Asturias
Phone: (+34) 690 601 851